Vinyl Chronicles Theme

Beyond simple reviews, offer detailed analyses of albums and performances, highlighting the artistic qualities and messages conveyed by the musicians. Also, encourage interaction with your readers through content sharing, adding to Wantlist, or sharing audio excerpts, and create a true online community, bringing together music enthusiasts from around the world.

Credits: Valentine Ambroggi, Yuna Allanic, Common Ground Team
Free License

The typography and minimal layout create a newspaper-like experience, with easy navigation through blog reviews and ratings on mobile screens.

A structured editorial design mimics print editions, with large fonts and immersive reading experiences for blog reviews and rating systems on desktop.


Real-time preview Eshop Editor, including 100+ open-source font licenses, icons sets, CSS editor with advanced record buyer features.


Create pages, playlists and collections with our dedicated CMS. A playground to design and build your own Eshop.

Audio Player

Access the Audio Player section in the Eshop Editor to modify colors, icons, or waveform.


Easily connect a Google Analytics Account to track your Eshop activity.


Build lightning-fast, globally optimized sites.


Including English / French / German / Italian / Spanish / Russian Languages.

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Moins de frais de transaction. Plus de musique.
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