Astral Frequencies Theme

The Astral Frequencies Collective is a musical motif dedicated to advocating and disseminating avant-garde and experimental musical genres, whose sounds venture into the frontiers of music, pushing the boundaries of creativity and artistic expression. This theme provides visionary artists who want to share their distinctive and captivating music with a passionate audience, an original and creative environment tailored for cassette, vinyl, CDs, editorial items, artist merchandise, and more.

Credits: Valentine Ambroggi, Yuna Allanic, Common Ground Team
Free License

Vibrant, color-rich designs and subtle touch animations offer a playful yet polished experience on mobile, highlighting artists' works in a compact, editorial format.

Hover-triggered animations and dynamic color schemes bring artists’ portfolios to life on desktop, with a spacious editorial layout that showcases their work in full detail.


Real-time preview Eshop Editor, including 100+ open-source font licenses, icons sets, CSS editor with advanced record buyer features.


Create pages, playlists and collections with our dedicated CMS. A playground to design and build your own Eshop.

Audio Player

Access the Audio Player section in the Eshop Editor to modify colors, icons, or waveform.


Easily connect a Google Analytics Account to track your Eshop activity.


Build lightning-fast, globally optimized sites.


Including English / French / German / Italian / Spanish / Russian Languages.

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