Common Ground Interfaces

Identity, UX/UI, 2021
iOS designed in collaboration with Benoit Marin Bovis
Typography: Graphik by Commercial Type

Since our beginning in 2020, we have dedicated significant effort to developing interfaces that prioritize the user experience. Our pages and sections are carefully designed to optimize inventory and sales management, featuring exclusive and original web components tailored for record sellers. The solution is accessible via a simple browser and supports both Dark and Light Mode. Additionally, since 2024, we’ve been proud to offer a free, fast, and secure POS version with Stripe, available for iPhone and iPad through the App Store.

Backoffice Desktop Application view.

Eshop Editor view from Backoffice and iOS App for mobile devices.

Identity, UX/UI, 2021
iOS designed in collaboration with Benoit Marin Bovis
Typography: Graphik by Commercial Type

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