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#Features: Common Ground announce a new set of features and innovations

Following up from our Eshop editor update, The Common Ground team is proud to announce a new set of features and innovations.

Notification preferences

Requested by many, we have introduced a notification preferences editor. By selecting which events you received notifications about, you only get notified about the topic you’re interested in. This enables individuals to receive alerts and information in a more personalized and relevant way, avoiding an overflow of your email’s inbox.

CSV importer

The CSV items uploader was updated to accept a new set of columns. Providing a listing_id value with find and match your inventory listing and update its values. This is useful when exporting your inventory, modifying the columns, then re-uploading it.
Not only the importer will create new items, it can update existing listings when providing the listing_id column. Exporting from a Discogs inventory is fully compatible with this tool and should provide a fast and reliable way to upload large inventories.

B2B Feed (beta)

We are excited to announce the launch of our dedicated B2B feed for distributors. This feature will facilitate transparent and efficient communication between you and your business partners by providing a platform to showcase pre-order products. The feed is visible throughout the entire Common Ground community and can be populated directly from the Items pages.

Themes Browser

The visual aspect of your platform plays an essential role in your users' experience. Since the implementation of our Eshop Editor, we have been working hard to provide a set of themes via our Theme Browser. The Theme Browser will allow you to preview, install and activate new themes in seconds. Carefully designed and integrated by the team at Common Ground, we are confident this will reduce the time spent building your Eshop dramatically.
We will announce the launch of the Theme Browser next month, stay tuned

vendredi 25 août 2023